She also makes a voluptuous sterling-silver heart pendant - actually a bell - dangling from a 20-inch chain, $113.
The video ends with them crossing paths and her noticing the heart pendant attached to his camera as a charm.
His search of the suite, following the discovery of the heart pendant, had been thorough.
The heart pendant rested beneath her shirt, the gold warm from her skin.
A heart pendant in solid sterling silver hangs from a pink silk cord, and "Mother" is written across it ($85).
She is pleasant and well-mannered and wears a gold heart pendant around her neck.
Near the end of the video, Spektor drops a heart pendant on the ground, revealing colored dust.
Lastly, he gives Roo his heart pendant, but it is still empty.
Dr. Cable pulled another object from the briefcase, a necklace with a little heart pendant.
Except for her little heart pendant, she was on her own.