This is the heart-rending tale of Sharada Inamdar who is coerced to pay a grave price for motherhood.
That evolved into interviews with firefighters who told heart-rending tales of their experiences on Sept. 11.
The book is a a heart-rending tale of twins battling with the strictures of caste in southern India.
However, they were not always heart-rending tales, and many had happy conclusions.
And I expect that my heart-rending tale of misfortune and hardship is unlikely to raise a tear.
But otherwise, they reflect nothing at all of the artist's heart-rending tale, nor any discernible mental instability.
The gift of money satisfied the husband, and the heart-rending tale brought tears to the eyes of his wife.
The narrator (also an over-the-road truck driver) answers "Teddy Bear's" call, and listens as the boy tells a heart-rending tale.
It's really quite a heart-rending tale he tells, poor chap.
A Monster Calls is a beguiling and heart-rending tale, tender and eviscerating in turn.