With heartbreaking clarity, the mother recalls her husband, a physicist, trying to teach their daughter as a little girl to understand the scientific mysteries of the world: "See?
With sudden, heartbreaking clarity, all the pieces of the bizarre puzzle fell into place, presenting the whole gruesome picture, complete in every profane detail.
Ms. Egan portrays the girls "with a quiet, heartbreaking clarity," our reviewer, Alice Truax, wrote last year.
But Mildred Dunning conveys the necessity of her self-delusion with heartbreaking clarity.
Sufficient to say that the novel builds, with heartbreaking clarity, to one character's utterly unpredictable demise.
Huddle renders her early years with heartbreaking clarity.
And there is the apparition of Armand, that power, that heartbreaking clarity.
He stared at Eddie with huge eyes that told his tale with heartbreaking clarity: this wasn't supposed to happen.
Money's ferocious, protective pride in her children yields moments of heartbreaking clarity.
Faal couldn't follow what the young fool was saying, but the truth hit home with heartbreaking clarity.