It was truly a heartbreaking scene".
It is a heartbreaking scene, especially when Tosya asks quietly, "And the bet was just for a hat?"
One of the most heartbreaking scenes I've ever seen, from 1.33mins in.
The character Michael played had a heartbreaking scene with his fictional father whom he had to disown.
The newspapers reported that there were tens of thousands present and described heartbreaking scenes.
In one heartbreaking scene, you sit next to your son and hope he says something to you.
There is no more heartbreaking scene than the one in which Jacobs runs into the ring with Schmeling to celebrate a win in Germany.
They hid a young fugitive in their home - he seems to have been singularly ungrateful -and witnessed a succession of heartbreaking scenes.
Her struggle to endure, and finally to rebel, makes a book full of heartbreaking scenes become, in the end, a story of triumph.
Cemeteries in the former Yugoslavia have witnessed heartbreaking scenes like these before.