We all spent sleepless nights contemplating the day of freedom, planning to rush home and embrace sweethearts, growing children, heartbroken parents.
She crammed more living into her 30 years than most people experience in two lifetimes, according to her heartbroken parents Ken and Diana.
Scorning the establishment, they left homes and heartbroken parents.
Tell it to all the heartbroken, loving parents who have been the victims of these fascists.
Loretta Webb left her heartbroken parents at 13 to marry Doolittle Lynn, a local charmer much older than she.
He tells Buffy's heartbroken parents that she's "gone", as the camera pulls away out of the room; Buffy has succumbed to her illness.
"It was terrible, having to face those heartbroken parents and tell them that their kids were just... gone."
Her solicitous, heartbroken parents have separated, but their horror is a breath of fresh air compared with the sick violence and self-hatred surrounding them.
We had seen Shanelle's broken body and met her heartbroken parents.
Some parents, frightened and heartbroken, leave their children alone in apartments, choosing to monitor them by telephoning from work.