But the column failed to note another, more positive and heartening development.
If voters are beginning to lose interest in the initiative process, that's a heartening development.
This is a heartening development that could help Serbs come to terms with their past.
Indeed, the only recent heartening development has come from Haiti's wobbly justice system.
This is a heartening development but also frightening...
A most heartening development has been a tendency by several restaurants toward self-improvement or fine-tuning.
"It is the most heartening development in our nation's political life since the heyday of the civil rights movement a third of a century ago."
This heartening development, however, is brought to an abrupt end when the school principal, a dour and humorless man, catches them at their game.
As the Soviets move to markets and as democratic forces gather strength, it's important not to starve these heartening developments.
Following as it does centuries of institutionalised discrimination, that is a heartening development.