It was a heartening sight during Take Our Daughters to Work Day on Thursday to see children with their parents heading into the workplace.
Up in the public gardens it was a strange and heartening sight.
It is a sign of spring, and thus a heartening sight, but it is uncomplicated - three milky white petals drooping from a tiny lime-green ovary.
It was a heartening sight.
It was indeed a strange and heartening sight to men in our situation to see, just beyond the barrier of furious breakers, the placid waters of a vast lagoon, scarce ruffled by the gentle southeast breeze.
With all that had been going on-said and left unsaid-it was a heartening sight.
The boat and station were the most heartening sights since we left the zoo - they give an optimist something to look to as a possible foundation for restoring some sense of nature to the lower Bronx River.
She rose hastily, without her usual preliminary burrowings and stretchings, and went to the window, hoping to see some neighbor's face, some heartening sight.
Once beyond the bend I saw, spread out across the valley floor, a warband of perhaps five hundred warriors - three hundred on foot, the rest on horseback: a most heartening sight.
It was carefully scrambled before transmission, but it was a heartening sight.