ONE of the most heartening stories in the classical music industry is the genre's fast-growing popularity in China.
To be sure, the book contains some heartening stories of people who were reached and helped before they went down the drain.
What makes Yellin's book especially valuable is that she doesn't stop with heartening stories like this.
Telegraph View: The revival of Britain's rivers is a heartening story.
The most heartening story here is also the most heart-rending.
This was mainly due to Gazza, whose return to fitness and international football was one of the most heartening stories of l992.
The upside of the possibility could be a heartening story: A broken-down manager takes over a broken-down team, and both return to their former glory.
Hers is a heartening, moving and ultimately triumphant story - a little victory won against the tide in the long, heart-breaking battle to save our wilderness world.
A heartening story to say the least.
This was a heartening story, signaling the survival of a communal culture against the pressures of individualism.