She didn't need to be told who was responsible, and when Magneto stepped over the threshold, she greeted him with a round of heartfelt and appreciative applause.
There was loud and, for the most part, heartfelt applause.
"The chef would like to offer you a tasting menu," the waiter announced, anticipating a round of heartfelt applause.
Smiles lit up as well and hands came together in polite but heartfelt applause.
When the curtain went up, the crowd let out an enormous burst of applause, more thunderous and heartfelt than on opening night.
This is how a failed seventh-inning gamble can inspire heartfelt applause.
Again, heartfelt applause.
There was heartfelt applause for a slide of Mr. Albert's late mother-in-law, who is still considered the patron saint of the dinners.
Bursts of heartfelt partisan applause marked the opening speeches, rare in the House routine, but a vivid measure of the national passions at work.
Of all the video innovations launched in 1987, none met more heartfelt applause than simplified programming.