In those days, absorbing the murder of my husband, I received the most heartfelt letters of support from all over the world.
He appealed the decision by sending a heartfelt, emotional letter to the school.
As Jojo gave her a heartfelt letter and a necklace for remembering that day.
In response to this, the members issued heartfelt letters of apology, and released a video on their record company's YouTube channel.
Lee then wrote a very heartfelt letter to Hisaishi, explaining their situation and translating the script in Japanese for him.
It was a long, heartfelt letter.
I treasure some of the heartfelt and sincere letters she wrote at that time.
He was a president who typed (and edited) his own speeches; a lover whose heartfelt letters were powerfully seductive.
How was she supposed to reply to such an emo- tional, heartfelt letter?
I have read heartfelt letters from many Americans.