Chekov managed a small, almost heartfelt smile.
Riker gave her a slow, heartfelt smile.
The real Chakotay would have responded to Fortier's attempted witticism with a friendly, heartfelt smile.
"Ye're a good man, Drizzt Do'Urden," the grateful woman said with a heartfelt smile.
Her smile, so heartfelt and emotional, was contagious, and Judy had to fight the urge to jump up and down.
From some reserve of strength she knew nothing about, she scrounged up a genuine, heartfelt smile.
"I appreciate your taking the time for me," Picard said softly, a heartfelt smile on his face.
"No," Finnea said softly, a heartfelt smile twisting on her lips.
And for the first time since she arrived at the hotel, she fa- vored someone with a real, heartfelt smile.
This was a heartfelt smile that she usually saved only for family.