But to other pigeon lovers, this is no heartwarming story.
Like it or not, this is the time of year when heartwarming stories proliferate on television schedules.
One writer's heartwarming story is another's patronising pat on the head.
The heartwarming story was better than the finished product.
Without imaginations, though, they couldn't do what their ancestors had done, which was read interesting, heartwarming stories in the faces of one another.
There are all sorts of heartwarming stories coming out of Miami.
"Christmas" is a heartwarming story of holidays past told by a Jewish woman who never actually experienced them.
A heartwarming story of young minds thirsting for knowledge?
Steve puts new ones up all the time, and it just - they're heartwarming stories.
It's a heartwarming story of one man's struggle to bring changes in a staunch Muslim world.