But this heartwarming tale of the city kid gone country and coming full circle as a pro might have a hitch in it.
The story is a heartwarming tale of a grandfather helping his young grandson to become a footballer - and a rounded person.
This heartwarming and clever tale based on real life relates the human-interest .
Farrell received positive press for his involvement in the heartwarming true-life tale.
It's a heartwarming tale of family values.
I can't help sensing he prefers the bad boy image and isn't overly keen to destroy it with heartwarming tales of do-gooding.
That wouldn't have made for a very heartwarming tale.
The heartwarming tale continues after 62 years tunneling through emotions, cultural divide, the human need to love & be loved.
It's a heartwarming tale of two presidents, a vast love and a puny air base.
Edit the story just a bit, and it becomes a heartwarming tale of early ambition and unpredictable success.