The breakfasts, hearty salads, sandwiches and pizzas are consistently OK, while, ironically, the coffee gets bad reviews.
New at this store are wedges of quiche, $4, and hearty salads with vegetables, grains, chicken and fish, $6 to $7.
They started with avocados and a French dressing, and finished with a plate of cold roast beef, and a hearty salad.
Vegetarians can feast on hearty salads, plus sides like roasted wild mushrooms.
Bags of cooked, frozen pasta can be added to a casserole, used with vegetables or cheese as a hearty salad or added to canned soup.
Nigel Slater uses lentils and leftover beef to make a hearty warm salad that's perfect comfort food.
Boost your intake of whole grains by digging into this hearty salad.
A hearty green salad with a sharp dressing would play nicely off the spicy chili.
Basic diner fare includes pancakes, steak and eggs, burgers and sandwiches, and big, hearty salads.
Nachos, bagels, pies, pasta and hearty salads all feature; daily blackboard specials are available.