This must be among the easiest-to-access reserves in Nicaragua, with walking access (for hearty souls) right from town.
There may be a few hearty souls who can consume the entire platterful of food served.
"Why did I ever get Chosen by such a hearty soul?"
At the time of the article, there were only 227 "hearty souls" hanging on for dear life in Bisbee.
There were a few hearty souls about, even this early: boatmen, folk on their way to work or coming home from it.
If you need to gather more information before trying something, you're a heartier soul than I.
It would take a hearty soul to go to battle against Miss.
For hearty souls, the best advice may be to hike around Athens.
The victory was a reward for the few thousand hearty souls who remained from an announced crowd of 45,576.
The backsplash of guts and brains alone would've caused a less hearty soul to faint dead away.