It had to be a trick of the light, but the air danced around his body, wavered as if a heat mirage.
It seemed to shimmer like a heat mirage.
At first it resisted her, then gave way like the rippling of a heat mirage.
As she watched, it shimmered and vanished, leaving behind nothing but a disturbance in the air like a heat mirage.
He watched them fiercely until they disappeared in the wavering heat mirage.
The room behind the missing flesh shimmered as if he was seeing it through a heat mirage.
In the darkness, shimmering like a heat mirage, was the city.
It was warmer still, and the air shimmered around them, rather like a heat mirage.
When he breathed, the air seemed to expand around him, shimmering like a heat mirage.
At the horizon it vanished into a heat mirage, a shimmering lake of mercury.