The heat build-up in her skull must be a lot worse than the scans suggested.
The only limitation is heat build-up in the motor.
To prevent internal heat build-up, select a cool, dry environment for your computer.
This heat build-up causes air conditioners to turn on earlier and to stay on later in the day.
Because of heat build-up, hovering was restricted to no more than 2 minutes.
Thus, even though the environment of space can be extremely cold, excessive heat build-up is inevitable.
If your system crashes or seems to become unstable after a few minutes of operation, you may find that heat build-up is the problem.
Heat As mentioned in the section on cooling, heat build-up is one of the most common problems.
To prevent heat build-up the glass cladding was of a special tint.
This type of equipment is often used to prevent unnecessary heat build-up in the device under test.