In the late 1960s, Meier & Frank proposed an 11-story parking garage on the block, which was denied by the city after a series of heated public hearings.
But after heated public hearings, the village board rejected the recommendation and adopted a new plan with tougher restrictions.
"In heated hearings, oil bosses defend big profits", Associated Press (via CNN), 9 November 2005.
An initial attempt by residents to reach a compromise with the Department of Transportation was apparent in a heated public hearing held recently in Branford.
Dakin, a friend of the Whig president, Zachary Taylor, was ousted after a heated hearing in which the great architect Isaiah Rogers sided with Dakin.
It was a remarkable dialogue - part of a long and heated hearing last month - and it dramatized the bizarre predicament now confronting the Justice Department.
"Atlanta is being gentrified every day," Mable Able Thomas, a black state representative and former city councilwoman, warned at a heated public hearing two weeks ago.
The court order came after a heated hearing in which lawyers for the city argued that officials have little control over prisoner population levels.
That relative lack of regulatory oversight over home mortgage lenders was the subject of heated hearings in the House and the Senate in the last two weeks.
The development has been the subject of heated hearings before the City Planning Board that are expected to continue later this month.