If heaven exists, what does it look like?
This did not help Thérèse who in 1891 experienced, great inner trials of all kinds, even wondering sometimes whether heaven existed.
I could not quite believe that heaven existed, and I held tightly to Helen.
While the character is by no means a goody-goody, you feel that if heaven did exist, she would probably be welcomed there.
In any case, even if heaven did not exist originally, people have created it.
The sky and the heavens don't exist for them.
However, it is later revealed that heaven and hell do not exist in the series and that people simply cease to exist when they die.
If heaven existed, it was exactly like this moment, this place.
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
The program says nearly 90 percent of Americans believe heaven exists; most of them, presumably, think they have a shot at it.