The Mohawk were notoriously wary of conversion; it had seemed a heaven-sent chance.
She was tempted to say yes at once; it was a heaven-sent chance to have a change, which might never come her way again.
For the rest of us, the eruption of an unpronounceable volcano is a heaven-sent chance to reflect.
For an ambitious man who had been frustrated in his career, the appointment was a heaven-sent extra chance, and it appeared at first to be a bit of brilliant casting.
This was a bit premature and it upset his planning, but he looked on it as a heaven-sent chance.
Surely this is a heaven-sent chance to get out of it before you're too old.
By some heaven-sent chance, Graves's breathing helpers were all occupied with other jobs.
His fury against Clegg added to his bravery, and he now saw a heaven-sent chance for settling his score.