It was Heaven, of course, else how could earth hold such heavenly joy?
Thy Spirit oft hath led me to heavenly joys above.
But the joy-oh, Jesu, the heavenly joy!
He wrote on that occasion: "How can I explain to you the sweet grace of the Holy Spirit, which invades my poor miner's soul with such heavenly joys?
A mood of ecstasy permeates this chorale prelude, a funeral hymn reflecting the theme of heavenly joy.
The poetry derives from the Entry into Jerusalem a similar entry into the heart of the believer, who should prepare himself and will be given heavenly joy in return.
Terrible as had been her trial, it had not lasted long, and had been succeeded by a heavenly joy.
You have taken off that mountain, and substituted a joy most lightsome and heavenly.
Mapple said that by obeying God, man could find heavenly joy.
Shall I strive to a heavenly joy With an earthly love?