Paul has, in fact, fallen away from his horse and he reaches out toward the heavenly light as testimony of his vision.
Wake up before sunrise any day this month to see a shape-shifting alignment of heavenly lights.
It will open your "crown" chakra to positive energy and attract heavenly light.
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
A kind of heavenly blue light pours into the bathroom scenes.
She is standing in a solitary shaft of heavenly light, her smile willing me to win.
The marker is engraved with a picture of two children walking up a staircase toward a heavenly light.
Lazarus is brought back from the dead, for example, but without angels or heavenly light.
Then the strange heavenly light and majestic figure disappeared.
A heavenly light pours from an opening in the sky into the place of the Annunciation.