I wondered briefly whether this entitled him to a full heavenly mansion or maybe just the garden shed at the bottom of Marie's garden?
His eyes were so brilliant, that Astolpho felt persuaded that he was a blessed inhabitant of the heavenly mansions.
Your heavenly mansions blazing in the dark.
The New Jerusalem, the heavenly mansions prepared for the bride of Christ (John 14:2), in brilliant beauty beyond anything we can imagine, will descend from Heaven.
O Death, (for Life has served its turn,) Opener and usher to the heavenly mansion, Be thou my God.
This world, this heavenly mansion, is wasted and spoilt.
Act two, "Might it be mountains if it were not Barcelona", involves a telescope and glimpses of a heavenly mansion.
God began handing out keys to their heavenly mansions they had all been promised, when someone else suddenly spoke up, "Where is your son?"
"Having heard the sad news, Sher Afkan went to the heavenly mansions."
If there is a life after death, O Lord, receive Mother into Your heavenly mansions where the faces of the saints and of the just shine like stars.