Our priests are well-acquainted with heavenly signs and the reading of portents.
The heavenly signs pile up so fast and furiously that it is clear early in the film that an invisible hand must be pulling the strings.
The heavenly signs were held to be the most important.
The truly devout might insist that it was a heavenly sign, heralding the birth of the Son of God.
St Bernard did not doubt St Robert's innocence, since he had received a heavenly sign of his virtuous conduct.
Then, an earthquake rolled over the land, but smaller than the one that had occurred when the heavenly sign had been given earlier in the day.
She'd prefer a heavenly sign herself.
Even if there had been a heavenly sign he would have dismissed it as a coincidence.
Is that another heavenly sign that the gods are turning their faces from us?
It's not like you to believe rumors or heavenly signs, Kawanabi-san, or to pass on rumors.