This is the first attempt at heavier-than-air flight in aviation history backed by a contemporary documentary source.
This was the first recorded heavier-than-air flight in Canada.
Lilienthal's greatest contribution was in the development of heavier-than-air flight.
Osasco is said to be the place of the first heavier-than-air flight in Latin America.
His flight did prove that a heavier-than-air flight was possible.
By the late 19th century, two problems were identified before heavier-than-air flight could be realized.
"There was a time when heavier-than-air flight seemed impossible," Salsbury said.
He becomes the first 'pilot' in the world to lose his life in a powered heavier-than-air flight.
Didn't scientists state, even right at the end of the nineteenth century, that heavier-than-air flight was impossible?
When the Wright brothers made the world's first sustained heavier-than-air flight, they laid the foundation for what would become a major transport industry.