By this time, Guerrier had been completely dismasted and heavily battered.
The green is heavily battered at the back and right and the whole psychology of the hole is to let out to the limit.
This is a heavily battered and eroded formation that is only a remnant of its former self.
When the restaurant opened in July they were heavily battered and overseasoned.
The rubber figure is heavily battered with both his head and left arm torn off.
That unit has been heavily battered by air strikes.
Emeril's Delmonico, heavily battered, will reopen next year.
The outer rim of this crater has been heavily battered by impacts, and is somewhat distorted from the form of a circle.
Indeed, such a pattern was in evidence yesterday as drug, financial and consumer stocks were among the most heavily battered of blue chips.
The surface of the moon has been heavily battered by meteorites over a period of millions of years.