He couldn't see out but knew that traffic was heavy by the frequent stops and slow progress.
However, such bombs might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air.
I have to get back in there, as the discussion's hot and heavy by this time.
His head was heavier by the moment, and the snow would be oh so comfortable.
They were going at it pretty hot and heavy, by the looks of it.
They were too heavy for him and by the time he reached the car, his mother saw that he was exhausted.
Was too heavy for me and by the time I "grew into it" I'd made up my mind.
The ring was gold, stamped 14K on the inside, heavy enough by the feel of it to be worth something.
The pressure of unseen watching eyes seemed heavier by the minute, but nothing challenged them.
The basket was so heavy by now that, on their return to camp, Hal had to take it from her.