It included a 12-minute stewards' inquiry due to heavy contact between her horse and two others at the top of the stretch.
Over the next two and a half months the Chindits were involved in many very heavy contacts with the Japanese.
There hasn't been any heavy contact yet because Ivan's refusing combat at the moment, until they can get something big enough to meet them with.
Yuriy Andreyevich, you will have heavy contact in a few minutes.
For five days they came into constant, heavy contact with North Vietnamese forces that were often of superior size.
The car spun in turn 2 and made heavy contact to the rear of the car.
We were already in heavy contact as for as we could tell.
This can enable opponents to contest for possession, resulting in heavy contact, often (but not always) legitimate.
And they are breaking off heavy contact everywhere but the southwest.
It looks as if a large, fairly smooth metal object made heavy contact at this spot.