Then she heard a distinct, unmistakable sound: the footfall of some heavy creature, soft and stealthy but very close.
They were some of the heaviest creatures ever to walk the earth.
The latter precaution was especially because of the demons called karakondžula, imagined as heavy, squat, and ugly creatures.
I saw from the enormous tracks in the snow that a huge and heavy creature had wandered into the hunting run.
Albert-Alberta sat on a throne, a heavy creature wrapped in a kimono.
Scientists once assumed that these creatures, too heavy to support their own bodies, lived in swamps or lakes.
A movement somewhere in the thicket as though some heavy creature had trodden on a dead branch and snapped it.
The heavy creature landed between Yuri's shoulder blades and the clawed legs dug into his flesh.
Sud-denly half a dozen of the heavy creatures leaped down onto the glass.
The robots were heavy creatures of metal, and the ground is only dirt.