Ahead the road led upward, stony and steep, ankle-deep in snow, with heavy drifts to right and to left.
Sentinels of the night, I called them, but Momma told us the many trees in straight rows acted as windbreaks, and held back the heavy drifts of snow.
Along the way we passed at least a half dozen ghost cabins of homesteaders whose dreams had died in the heavy drifts of long-ago Colorado winters.
The snow was deep and the mastodons broke through the crust and foundered in the heavy drifts.
Thick blizzards and heavy drifts bury the surface and anything else not protected by the factory's force Screen.
The din was deafening, the footing treacherous under heavy drifts of black sand.
A welter of magnetic fields, high gas density, massive ionization, heavy drifts of cosmic dust.
Working through the heavy drifts, he moved toward the back of the house.
A heavy European drift to the New World has gone on and is going on; yet Europe, whose population a century ago was 170,000,000, has to-day 500,000,000.
Herilak struggled with its fury, almost leaning against it as he pushed the last stumbling steps through the heavy drifts.