They spoke with rebels who were engaged in heavy exchanges of gunfire with Government forces.
This event in particular left four people dead and many injured after heavy exchanges of gunfire.
The shooting followed a heavy exchange of fire in which the Palestinians said a 15-year-old youth was killed.
Our minds were locked now to each other, and later I would find out that it was because of our heavy exchange of blood.
At least five rebel fighters died in a heavy exchange of fire.
By mid-morning the battle intensified with heavy exchanges of small arms and machine-gun fire.
By 10:00, all three French ships were within range of Centurion and a heavy exchange of fire began.
The central sector saw a heavy exchange of fire, but no major engagements.
There were also heavy exchanges of gunfire on Jerusalem's southern rim, a frequent flash point that had been quiet in recent days.
The shooting set off a heavy exchange of gunfire in which three shops were burned, Palestinians said.