Even if the heaviest fish does not break the tournament record, it will fetch $6,000 in cash.
Rick had another take which was quickly hit (we were becoming old hands at catting by now) and he bent into a big heavy fish.
The first prize, $1,500, goes to boat that brings in the heaviest fish.
A half hour later a much heavier fish took my lure.
The heaviest fish will earn its captor a prize of $25,000.
That includes the heaviest fish caught in any line class up to 130-pound test.
The heavy fish strapped to his back hindered him.
On my second cast with the same fly, I was fast to a heavy fish.
Prize money has reached a total of $45,000, with the winner for catching the heaviest fish winning $25,000.
These are heavy fish, ready for winter migrations into the Hudson and points south.