Then came the sound of low, satisfied laughter and a single clang of a heavy hoof, stepping forward.
Not trampled to death by Teutons and others of heavy hoof!
It had a broad chest, four heavy hooves, forward-pricked ears, and a long equine face.
When he stopped them just short of it, their heavy hooves pawed the earth, impatiently.
Dodging around its heavy hooves, he hit the floor, rolled, pushed himself to his feet, than ran forward to the shadowy corner where Turner hid.
The two women glared at each other in silence, and then the sound of heavy hooves could be heard from the Manor courtyard.
She felt the thud of their heavy hoofs on the ground.
The heavy hooves of these animals compact the soil.
European bison need to drink every day and in winter can be seen breaking ice with their heavy hooves.
That stupid horse, with his heavy hoofs, has been treading down my people without mercy!