But a heavy influx of retired people can have unwanted side effects, too.
Internal peace was achieved in 1884, and there was a heavy influx of foreign capital.
The area has had a heavy influx of settlers over the last 30 years, and there is illegal logging in areas outside of the park.
This heavy influx of tourists has led to visible stress signs on the natural ecosystem.
The heavy immigrant influx from India has disturbed the populace of the small village.
The problem is neither management nor labor conditions but a heavy influx of Japanese imitations.
There was a heavy influx of smelter and industrial companies that set up factories all along the river.
Water officials say the data are skewed by the heavy influx of tourists, more than 22 million people a year.
During the postwar period, the Northeast experienced a heavy influx of growing middle-class families, and had become an almost exclusively white community.
Environmentalists, however, are concerned that the heavy influx of tourists could damage the fragile ecosystem.