No doubt the women got good exercise, carrying their heavy jugs of water across that distance every day.
She drank more, then set down the heavy jug and went to stand in the doorway, running her hands through her thick red curls.
Picking up the heavy jug, she gave the Saracen a shy smile and moved to go past him.
Her haste, combined with the heavy jug, kept her steps short.
One publican said that the heavy jugs are seen as "retro-cool yet comforting and traditional".
He made a wild grab for the heavy jug but missed.
She set the heavy jug down by the tub.
Retana¡ s man handed him the heavy porous jug.
Between them they bore a heavy jug of steaming water, together with a bathing basin.
If he walked, it would take him a day in the best of conditions; carrying two heavy jugs it would be longer.