He came down in heavy jungle several seconds and several hundred yards away.
Gray's gaze slid away from her and focused on the heavy jungle on the outskirts of the village.
The Indian Awlking is found in heavy jungles from 3500 feet to 8000 feet in the hills.
The pyramid of Zaltec gradually fell away behind her, and she became immersed in the heavy, wet jungle.
The males are fond of heavy jungle especially on hilltops.
This butterfly frequents heavy jungles of the Western Ghats between 1000 to 3000 feet.
Then the pilot had cut loose with his six-thousand-round-a-minute miniguns and cut a swath through the heavy jungle like a tornado's path.
What are you "Start crawling toward the heavy jungle.
The general area is heavy tropical jungle with high rainfall and abundant birdlife.
The heavy jungle in this sector permitted some infiltration but the Japanese force was not strong enough to overrun the position.