Instead of a balancing pole, he carried a long heavy lance, tipping first to the left and then to the right.
As he leaned over to grab for it, the stag knight lost control of his heavy lance and slammed him across the back.
Culain ran forward three paces, then threw the heavy lance.
Sparrow let fly with the heavy lance, his powerful body unwinding in a supple, practiced motion.
Only the hussars of Poland retained a form of heavy lance into the late 17th century.
You need a heavy lance for rhino," Thonolan continued, and his brother realized he was guessing.
She saw flying past her the shattered pieces of a heavy lance that had been swung like a club.
In response to the development of improved armour, however, heavier lances weighing up to 18 kg.
Hal seized the heavy lance, ponderously lifting the tip to face the rushing rider.
In his hand was the heavy lance, tipped with a razor sharp throwing knife.