There are 18 people who spend the winter on the island, but the population may double (35) during the summer, when heavy maintenance is performed.
It cut by a third or more the turnaround time for heavy maintenance, getting 737's back into the air in 20 days or less.
The robots mounted guard on the outer Wall and took care of all the heavy maintenance.
It was capable of both light and heavy maintenance on a number of different aircraft types.
With the cash problems that we've had, a lot of heavy maintenance has been stopped or deferred.
In 1997 inspection showed the need for heavy maintenance which has grounded her since.
But these are only the changes made in heavy maintenance.
By your record, you're a quick learner, but heavy maintenance is a lifetime's study.
It is also where heavy maintenance is done on the fleet.
In addition, all heavy maintenance was scheduled to take place during this period.