He combed his fingers through her heavy mane.
He shook back his heavy mane of gray hair and turned to his boys disgustedly.
During winter bull tahrs develop a heavy mane and coat that is attractive as skin or rugs.
Charles Wallace's knuckles whitened as he clutched the heavy mane.
"You and that wife of yours both," the Warlady spoke, tossing her head, her hair like a heavy dark mane.
The third man swung and hit the heavy mane, doing little damage.
Her thick brown hair was swept back from her forehead and layered along the side into a heavy mane.
Within minutes she was asleep, her heavy mane of hair spread over the white pillows.
When he was opposite me I sprang for the heavy mane that covered his huge neck.
Honore picked up a comb and started spot teasing Raven's heavy mane.