Jake sports the tattoos, black leather and heavy musculature that make most of the film's characters resemble members of a biker gang.
Their heavy musculature made even the strongest human look puny.
"Tavor," Thea said, inclining her head gently and taking a moment to appreciate the heavy musculature of her general.
He could feel nothing but Thargor's heavy musculature.
The forelimbs are very robust, with a large deltopectoral crest on the humerus, indicating a heavy musculature.
Havvy was small but solid, one of those Humans of lesser stature who concealed heavy musculature which could surprise you if you suddenly bumped into them.
Given to study rather than sword-play, however, he lacked the heavy musculature of the two warriors.
All this indicates a very heavy musculature.
Bigger, heavier musculature.
He stood almost seven feet tall, with the heavy musculature of a body builder, but he moved with a predatory grace.