He hadn't said anything more about her letting Midnight wander away, but his anger hung like a heavy pall over the atmosphere in the cabin.
The news cast a heavy pall upon the whole covert.
Resentment hung in the air like a heavy pall.
Crime casts its heaviest pall on the city's 10 public housing projects.
I turned around one last time and saw the camp covered in a heavy pall of diesel smoke.
A heavy pall of anger hung about him like a thunder cloud, and no one wanted to trigger its lightning.
At first there had been a heavy pall over the proceedings, despite Neelix's best efforts.
At Uji they could not know that it had never been his intention to hurt them, and each day brought a heavier pall of gloom.
Smoke and ash still coughed out of vents, adding a heavy, hot pall to the humid air.
He left on that, leaving another heavy pall of silence.