It cast up such a heavy plume of dirty water from the puddled pavement that it was impossible for Joey to see any details of it or get a glimpse of its driver.
They wore upon their heads heavy black plumes of Sakaboola feathers, like those which adorned our guides.
Shaam, an online video channel that is aligned to the protest movement, posted a video dated 3 August that showed at least one tank attacking a neighbourhood that the narrator said was Hayy al-Hader in Hama; heavy plumes of smoke could be seen rising in the sky.
The eyelash became an eyebrow, then a heavy black plume.
The paddles churned, dipping into the water with increasing speed, and a heavier and thicker plume of whitish smoke billowed from the stack.
One tank at the national oil refinery in Limon was on fire, sending a heavy plume of smoke over the city.
He picked it up immediately, a heavy dark plume of smoke with, he thought, a glow of red at its centre.
The gentlemen wore blue jerseys, the ladies white aprons and quite fashionable hats with heavy plumes.
The proposed cooling tower would have reached 250 feet in diameter at its highest point discharging a heavy plume and obscuring views of the Catskill Mountains from several locations, including Olana.