Then he raised his thin hand, on the back of which the old veins made heavy blue ridges.
The surface is shining, lines of growth are fine, wavy, crowded, with occasionally a heavy ridge representing a rest period.
Her big, mournful eyes peered out at me from beneath their heavy ridges.
A brawny, bearded man with heavy ocular ridges waved back.
The heavy ridges pulsed, vibrated, even as he began to stroke inside her with a deep, powerful rhythm.
The cast of his features was similar, though more pronounced - heavier supraorbital ridges, larger nose.
He tried for the nose and piggish eyes, but heavy ridges of bone protected them.
You see the heavy ridges here, above the eye sockets?
He looks at me with dark eyes under heavy, apelike ridges.
Her fingers traced the solid, heavy ridge beneath the denim as she watched his expression.