The oversize was broken, or ragged, where it fell by older or stronger boys or women, using heavy sledgehammers, for which task they were paid 1 pence per barrow load.
Men would work on them with heavy sledgehammers, bit by bit breaking them down into smaller rocks.
You will need a heavy sledgehammer to drive the spikes through the thick wood.
As the sun's last ray fled below the horizon, Brother Narev lifted the heavy sledgehammer high in the flickering light of smoking torches.
The spear carrier kept up the guard as the hunter exited and came back a few moments later with a heavy stone-headed sledgehammer and three horseshoe-shaped posts, larger in diameter than a man's fist.
She was carrying a heavy sledgehammer in her left hand.
The American military-any large military force, including our own-is like a large, heavy sledgehammer.
Porta and Pluto went at the armored door with a couple of heavy sledgehammers and we managed tcf get it opened wide enough for us to be able to squeeze out.
"I'm surprised that any of them has the strength to lift a pick, much less one of those heavy sledgehammers!"
The palms are held vertical for an instant before the hands are brought to the right of the body and above the head to hang for another instant by the neck, as if holding a heavy sledgehammer.