The track also had a large central groove, obviously made by a heavy tail.
If they were, then Moschops short, heavy tail may have counterbalanced the weight of its head.
That is, as the optimal value of lambda goes from 0.14 to 1, increasingly heavy tails are implied.
His tail, heavy as a man's wrist, beat die stone stair.
The adults swung their heavy tails back and forth over the nest, above the babies' heads.
The distributions are often used for their heavy tails.
It is frequently the case that real data have heavier tails than the normal distribution allows for.
It is similar in shape to the log-normal distribution but has heavier tails.
But the posture was forward-leaning, balanced by a heavy tail.
Currently, it's thought they held the head low to the ground and their long, heavy tail in the air for balance rather than vice versa.