On the back deck of the boat, under a heavy tarp, rested the machine that would shortly change the world forever.
There were two bales of hay and some cans and a heavy tarp.
Caitlin walked over to a long bundle wrapped in a heavy tarp and flipped it open.
This was the tricky part; moving the heavy tarps and plastic out into the open in the face of the heavy rain and wind.
He turned and followed her back to the deck, where three heavy, oil-canvas tarps lay beside the land engine.
We learn of Weston in the desert, covering the windows of that new Ford with a heavy tarp to make the car his darkroom.
"It's totally different living here," he said, standing in front of his tent, which he has fortified with tree limbs and a heavy tarp.
She pulled at the heavy tarp of mammoth hide under the fire, knocking a hot coal directly onto the leather.
The girl was there, hidden under a heavy tarp.
To one side lay the heavy blue tarp he'd just pulled away.