Republicans and some Democrats have long complained about what they see as heavy-handed regulation of the health care industry by Medicare officials.
He said any assertion that the savings industry's problems could be traced to heavy-handed or incompetent regulation "is way off the mark."
If recent rules have brought Wall Street revenue back down to earth, is that healthy or a sign of heavy-handed regulation?
They protect consumers and avoid heavy-handed regulation by using a narrowly tailored market-opening approach.
But it is firmly against heavy-handed regulation, such as a sharp increase in mandatory fuel efficiency for cars.
It can, however, still be used for developing countries since there are still easy environmental gains that could be made without heavy-handed regulation.
But the Justice Department declined, telling the states they did not want to burden the proposal with "a lot of heavy-handed regulation," one official said.
To do business legally in Ukraine is to run a long gantlet of high taxes, heavy-handed regulations and very sticky palms.
And when he was tempted to protest their sometimes heavy-handed regulation of his life, he remembered what they had given up for him.