In his last major league season, Pryor ejected César Cedeño after Cedeno had to be separated from a heckling fan.
A video also appeared to show Benson angrily responding to a heckling fan.
Later that day Ríos was videotaped cursing a heckling fan after he walked past a child seeking an autograph while leaving a fundraising gala for the Jays Care Foundation.
Deciding he had enough while a member of the black team was shooting free throws, Beasley walked up to the heckling fan.
It was the beginning of six months of touring North America, performing his new music to believers and his heckling fans alike.
His fiery temper caused him to yell at a heckling fan in the stands.
As play continued, a heckling fan noticed Jackson running to third base in his socks, and shouted "You shoeless son of a gun, you!"
First, he had to be forced away from a verbal confrontation with a heckling fan during practice.
McDowell apologized the same day, saying that he was "deeply sorry" that he responded to the heckling fans.
"Just one game," Kenyon Martin shouted to a heckling fan during the fourth quarter.