They brought out crowds of people, and sold six hundred lots one hectic afternoon.
His manner was courtly and calm, despite the fact that this was his fourth interview of the morning and a hectic afternoon awaited him.
On the hectic afternoon of March 2, Mr. Rathi is said to have called surveillance officers at the exchange to assess the condition of the market.
After a hectic afternoon of negotiating contracts with business partners in Hong Kong, London, Moscow and the Bronx, you step from your office and into your kitchen.
The appellate decision was only part of a hectic afternoon of sparring over the referendum issue.
It had been a hectic and senselessly tragic afternoon, involving two terrible incidents.
But it was a hectic afternoon.
Guidry Returns Considering all that transpired during the hectic afternoon, the appearance of Ron Guidry was relegated to a simple footnote.
He and Pat thought TnE mATLocx PAPER 185 it was a shortcut one hectic afternoon and had been hemmed in for five minutes.
Slow this morning, hectic this afternoon.