He paused for a moment in the hectic round of interviews and phone calls, gazing at a snapshot of his son that arrived from Kuwait last week.
JOHN struts the world stage, rubbing shoulders with presidents and princes, on a hectic round of chauffeur-driven engagements.
But after a hectic round of negotiations, he agreed to approve a reduced fee schedule.
But the unusually hectic round of meetings here served to emphasize the gaps separating Arab, Israeli and American positions.
In each are hectic rounds of tightly spaced motorcades, fund-raising events and rallies in the next 10 days.
After the hectic first round of seasonal fires in the West, including the burning of 42 houses in Boulder Canyon, Colo., the officials here had a chance to catch a breath.
This in turn involved us in the proceedings of the Stellar Institute back on Arvel, its rather hectic social rounds as well as its data evaluations.
There was a hectic round of social engagements, where the admiral had to be whisked between simultaneous events so as to be seen attending.
There was a hectic round of consultations between Israeli ministers and opposition leaders, suggesting that Mr. Barak's beleaguered coalition government will survive a series of parliamentary votes next week.
A hectic round of time trials followed, as drivers scrambled for their shot at qualifying before the 6 p.m. gun.